

  This post was previously published as a post in my LinkedIn profile. It refers to the video you can find here. 🌻 After a few weeks of second thoughts, I have finally decided to publish the video of my course "Miniatures of Evolution" which deals with the topic "reducing our personal carbon footprint". I have been working on reducing my footprint for years and in the video I allow myself to put together the results of my efforts in a story telling that I hope can inspire and move a few more levels of awareness. 🍂 But I think you can see that I am not comfortable in my role as "bearer of bad news": the pressure to reduce air travel has become unavoidable, at least for citizens of the Global North with a high income. First of all because the pressure comes directly from the IPCC. Secondly, because it has been collected by several sustainability professionals, with a "client friendly" presentation of the data and from the consumer's side, as


ACTION STEPS, BIRDS, DIRECT REFERENT AND PERCEPTION Photo credit: Suzanne Noel 2024 After the beautiful comments in the Focusing list on my previous blog and my clarifying remarks - please see the comments to Part one - I am now ready to delve deeper into the question of what is a Gendlian action step.  I will do so by examining again the transcript of my 2015 conversation with Gendlin. How did the action step "come" to Gendlin? It is very clear from the transcript that it did not come from within, as words or images come to symbolize the felt sense, but it came from outside, with me in the role of an empathetic storyteller.  The release of tension, the "it gives me a breath" takes place in the conversation after my interpolation of the behaviour sequence   when they feel hunger, they have to rise from the chair and go at least to the kitchen closet to get a can of something in order to eat. Right? And that is already an action step.   This interpolation carries for


  "Trusting your environment. Trusting the process of making sense. Trusting your body. Trusting your relevant others. Trusting your community.  Trusting other human beings in general. Trusting international organizations. Trusting your nation.  "  In the exercise above, I have placed in decreasing order my "objects of trust", and I have erased "my nation" as an object of trust. Recognizing a very small portion of the environment as trustworthy has been a big part of my process of healing after the pandemic outburst, when I felt powerless, shaky and needy. The very small portion of the symbiotic environment I started to build for me during the pandemic has the dimensions of 25 x 70 x 70 cm. It sits on my terrace and contains earthworms. Home composting with worms has become a form of therapy for me, and if you are a cat or dog owner you can understand how affectionate human beings can become towards their trustworthy animal allies.  At the same time, it ha

Testimonianze da chi ha frequentato "Miniature di Evoluzione" - Testimonials from "Miniatures of Evolution"

  From May 7th to June 4th 2024, I held the first prototyping edition of the course Miniatures of Evolution . Seven people from three different countries participated. These are some of their testimonies released at the end of the course. Ho tenuto la prima versione prototipo di Miniature di Evoluzione dal 7 maggio al 4 giugno 2024. Hanno partecipato 7 persone provenienti da tre diversi paesi. Queste sono alcune delle loro testimonianze rilasciate a fine corso.  "My capacity to act for sustainability, deep ecology, and regenerative culture developed during the course. During these weeks I stepped up to a new presence in supporting those recently graduated and those in training (Focusing and Feldenkrais®). I learned to pace my energy and to listen in new ways."


COMPOSTING WITH WORMS -Original drawing by Freda Blob /Focuszart 2024 Re-imagining our evolutionary past to access the future Empowerment and resilience in times of ecological crisis 5 webinars, 2 hours long each. For the theoretical foundations of the course, please read  First person sustainability as hermeneutics for action steps This course aims to develop: A pivotal meaning for the phrase “sustainable development” (at the personal level), Shift from “outer" development goals to evolutionary steps (for society and culture), Attention to and recognition of the occurrence of meaning (truth), Organismic (bodily) intelligence and appreciation of non-human life forms, An understanding of the difference between decentered humanism and anthropocentrism, Cross-contextual, non-binary critical thinking, applied to the construction of “mini-theories of evolution”, a process that merges four of the five dimensions of the

Felt sensing or sense feeling?

Mio intervento nella lista dei Focuser internazionale,   gestita da TIFI in data odierna, traduzione in Italiano a seguire: During the recent 2023 Gendlin Symposium, I  noticed   that many use the term “felt sensing.” Some might employ it as a substitute for “Focusing,” while others consider it a meaningful expression on its own. After reflecting for several days, I feel compelled to share that I find this phrase oxymoronic.  ento nella lista di Foc The past tense denotation of "felt" contrasts with an ongoing activity in the present, leaving   little room for what I take to be the main point,   the emergence of meaning. I understand that my uncertainty might stem from my perspective as a non-native English speaker. However, I also ponder if the concept of Focusing would have evolved as it did if Gendlin, when he initially recognized  his  body's capacity for expression in English at around eleven or twelve years of age, had been a native English speaker. My core concern

Laboratorio sui sogni in epoca di pandemia

Di una nuova finestra sull'inconscio collettivo data dai sogni in epoca di pandemia ne aveva parlato (molto più autorevolmente di me) lo psichiatra Cancrini nella sua intervista del 28 marzo a Repubblica. Diceva di sognare moltissimo e di fare sogni profondissimi.  Lo stesso è accaduto a me, mentre per altre persone i sogni potrebbero essere stati piuttosto incubi... In ogni caso, oggi più che mai, smarrite molte delle vie maestre della nostra civilizzazione, possiamo ritrovarci a essere proprio come quei pellegrini che andavano al tempio di Epidauro in antica Grecia, per stendersi a terra ed attendere che una divinità apparisse in sogno e  rivelasse una  cura salvifica. Vi propongo quindi di incontrarci online per un laboratorio sui sogni di questo periodo. Sperimenterete la mia modalità di Focusing tra simboli, adatta soprattutto a chi vuole utilizzare il potenziale creativo dei sogni per migliorare la propria vita, anche solo rendendola più bella e profonda.  Non c